Finance Fair

Students learn about real world finances

Wednesday, October 12 seniors from LPO, Clark Fork and SHS descended on the Summit Hills Church for the annual Finance Fair. The goal was to teach students about finances ten years after high school. Students were given an occupation and average salary. Jobs ranged from lawyers, cooks, park rangers to mechanics. Budgeting obstacles such as broken water heaters, car expenses or  child health care were also part of the process. While some students had negative budgeting issues, others received raises, refunds and back pay.

Students felt some of the scenarios were too unrealistic for ten years out of high school, perhaps if based right out of high school it would have had more relevance. Students would have preferred to choose their career as opposed to being randomly assigned. This may have created more buy-in. Also, medical costs seemed way too low and unlikely.

Students also discussed topics like retirement savings. While good things to consider it seemed premature. Overall, it was a chance for students to bond as a group and have discussions about their futures.